I was born on one of those bergs (a smaller one, the Kortendries, where Argentin launched his 1990 win - https://youtu.be/vOLLVUxC-hg
) and 34 is one of the worst rings to ride Flanders. 36 icw 28 (or 30) is better. Ofcourse, after 150 or more km, freshness may demand other gearing...I will ride the bergs a week or two later. On my steel 1990 Master Ariosteia. ;)
Good look and ride safe!
Generally a 52/36 11-28 is sufficient for anything here in Belgium. 53/39 is do-able with a Sram PG1170 11-28, which has larger cogs, but only after a bit of training.
Compacts are just too spinny (for me) on the flats when riding in a bunch.