take the problem seriously this time.
but that's it, isn't it? "they" are seen as everyone that isn't the established PLP, and instead of disabusing the electorate of the frankly easily falsifiable notion that labour = anti semitic, they (the majority of the PLP) choose to side all too readily with the finger pointers, one can only presume as an attempt to further undermine the leadership of the party they allegedly are representative of, as they view corbyn etc. as being unworthy of the position they feel is theirs by right.
hey ho. i do hope you, and others in this thread, see fit to hold your nose and vote labour regardless. christ knows i didn't the last time a labour government was in power.
there's folks out there who's lives / sanity are more important than your (or my) principles.
hold your nose and vote labour
Hold your nose to racism? No thanks. You talk as if there isn't ample evidence of a failure to address this problem within the Labour party. Senior figures have readily admitted as much.
In fact, this whole line of trying to excuse unacceptable views amongst a strain of the left makes me feel a little sick. You either have principles or you don't. Ignore one, ignore them all. Otherwise you're no better than the other lot. Now I really will make myself scarce.
Characterising it as lack of due diligence is exactly the problem. It just doesn't wash. Let's hope for the sake of the Labour party they actually take the problem seriously this time.
It certainly isn't just a Labour problem but none of the other main party leaders seem to have got themselves into the mess that JC has and even if they had it is no reason not to condemn him for it.
Well that's my tuppence worth. I'll stick to cheese puns from now on.