• #1502
We might as well fit a motor to your shiv and pre book motels at the battery capacity distance.
• #1503
You too!
• #1504
It's crossed my mind... pedaling and following rules is soooooo 2012...
• #1505
very vague rules and no enforcement
And little social media presence.
• #1506
I met your family be accident, my route went down one road but I got to it so quick I missed the turn so took the next one - they were at the bottom of the next one :)
Oh, technically not my family :P
• #1507
Nathan doesn’t care about such things. He’s a good guy, but not the same as Jessie or mike.
• #1508
How much do I have to tweet?!!!?!
Do my tweets look fat in this?
• #1509
aha fair enough. His race.
• #1510
There is a motor on hippy's Shiv. It's called hippy.
• #1511
Yeh tbf you where the social media presence last year ha!
• #1512
I can see any link to rules on the TCR website...
Whats the rule or scenario where you can't book stuff in advance? I don't quite follow. -
• #1513
He's all about self-policing.
"Trans Am Bike Race is a web-administered, do-it-yourself challenge based on the purest of wagers: the gentleperson’s bet or agreement. Nothing to win or lose but honor."
Problem is racers not reading rules, not following rules and not being honourable about what they've done.
• #1514
You need the race manual. It’ll be in there. And hippy means before the race starts. Once he race has started you can book whatever you want in advance. I book hotels the day of needing them, call them in the morning for that evening. Just not before you hit the muur.
And it would also be covered by the don’t be a dick rule.
• #1515
You can only book stuff once the race has started and generally only with 24hr. It's to stop people taking up a room that they might not actually make it to, thereby depriving someone who is at said hotel from accom.
In TABR people had booked rooms in hotels before the race had even started. I'm sure this happens on the first night in TCR too but to a lesser extent because it's not a fixed route and there's more accom options.
• #1516
So is it expected you rock up at a town or hotel and just book in rather than calling ahead?
Sorry not very au fait with this. -
• #1517
See my edit. Or hippys
• #1518
You can call ahead to book a room, but not more than 24hrs in advance, in order to increase your chances of you actually using the booking.
• #1519
Thanks. Don't quite get why you can plan your route but not where you want to stop.
Don't see what the advantage is? -
• #1520
Is it 24h? You sure. I thought I was before race started. But I only call on day, so don’t dq me!
• #1521
IPWR rules state "Friends and family are welcome to visit riders during the race to offer encouragement but they must not offer any material support of any kind."
• #1522
You’d never stop where you’d booked anyway. You’ll soon learn that any pre plan you have goes out the window as you loose or gain mileage based on conditions. So it’d be pointless anyway.
• #1523
Maybe to stop people booking a whole hotel of rooms to prevent other riders sleeping there.
• #1524
That's what I mean I don't see how it could be an advantage. Seems an odd rule.
• #1525
I can't find the TCR rules so this might not be in them. It might've just been a comment Mike or Nathan or someone had made but I'm pretty sure it was written or discussed somewhat officially somewhere.