You need the race manual. It’ll be in there. And hippy means before the race starts. Once he race has started you can book whatever you want in advance. I book hotels the day of needing them, call them in the morning for that evening. Just not before you hit the muur.
And it would also be covered by the don’t be a dick rule.
You can only book stuff once the race has started and generally only with 24hr. It's to stop people taking up a room that they might not actually make it to, thereby depriving someone who is at said hotel from accom.
In TABR people had booked rooms in hotels before the race had even started. I'm sure this happens on the first night in TCR too but to a lesser extent because it's not a fixed route and there's more accom options.
I can see any link to rules on the TCR website...
Whats the rule or scenario where you can't book stuff in advance? I don't quite follow.