So, yesterday, my smaller dog managed to get out the catflap - fuck knows how, I think he's a fluffy mini-Terminator T-1000 shapeshifter or something. We can't lock the catflap as the cat obviously needs it, and the dog is a major explorer, likely to then get out of the garden and go chasing cars or trains.
Is anyone aware of a two-way catflap i.e. where you need the magnet thingy on your collar to get out as well as to get back in?
So, yesterday, my smaller dog managed to get out the catflap - fuck knows how, I think he's a fluffy mini-Terminator T-1000 shapeshifter or something. We can't lock the catflap as the cat obviously needs it, and the dog is a major explorer, likely to then get out of the garden and go chasing cars or trains.
Is anyone aware of a two-way catflap i.e. where you need the magnet thingy on your collar to get out as well as to get back in?