My body is weird. My shoulders are fucked but I have strong neck, probably because of the TTing. My biceps are that of a cyclist but I have relatively big forearms (don't ask why). Huge lower body means lots of weight to hang that's not helping. Grip strength doesn't appear to be too much of an issue - my deadlifts are ok for a 'non-lifter'.
If my arms are already fucked from other stuff I find it much easier to jump part way and finish the pull up then slowly lower down - negative, yeah?
Hangings are great exercises, that’s one way to develop the strength needed in your hands and forearms often a point of weakness in pull ups and any thing with grips (deadlifts etc).
Wide grip hand is fine indeed since you are not pulling up it won’t make much of a diff.
One other thing you could do to develop back strength without having the force to do one pull up is to do negatives. They are very efficient (and boring I will admit that).