• Headset spanners: is it worth getting anything other than a cheapo? I've got some ominous creaks coming from the front of my bike, and figure I should probably a) check it's not a steerer crack and b) learn how to refit the fork and adjust the headset myself.

  • I've bought two in my life-Icetoolz cheapo that had a really annoying seam in it from being cast which put ugly notches in every headset it touched but was good because it was long enough to get leverage, or a silly small Park tools one which didn't have a seam but did manage to get rounded off surprisingly quickly.

    From this I don't know what I'd recommend. A third option probably.

  • The cheaper tools will be made to a lower tolerance and more likely to mark the headset, so it depends on how much you like it.

  • Unior and var are what I have. Years of people borrowing them and no doubt abusing them and they are still here.
    Had one if those 30/32 combination Park headset spanners and the 32mm is stretched out, probably from someone using it on something they shouldn't have. But mainly the combo element makes it hard to hold and use accurately
