• #2
I'll check the shed. I might have a pair that came with a cross bike. I pulled them off as I was using the bike on the road.
• #3
I've got some Rapid Robs in 35mm for 15 quid pickup in SW4 if you fancy them.
Used once before switching over to 650b.
• #4
I have an unused set of Schwalbe X-One - https://www.tredz.co.uk/.Schwalbe-X-One-Allround-Performance-Dual-Folding-Cyclocross-Tyre_100898.htm?sku=363962&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_shopping&mkwid=sYkDfh4rJ_dc|pcrid|43133764853|product|363962|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwJqIou792QIV1UAbCh05WggyEAkYAiABEgJi4fD_BwE
They came off the Canyon Inflite I bought, only ridden them about 10 miles. Collect them from EC2A ...
• #5
40c WTB nanos pair £15 brand new.... message me if you want em.
Been running slicks forever but would like to try some CX tyres and ride something more rugged than potholed tarmac. Frame can take tyres up to 45mm I think