• What do you want or expect from a Race HQ?.

    Our club , LVCC, is about to refurbish it's Essex Club Hut. It's one of the row of huts at Henham near the E1 start.

    The plan is to improve the facilities for competitors both before and after an event, make it easier to run events from there and make it a place that our members and competitors want to use.

    There are, however, conflicts between the desirable, the essential, the feasible and the affordable.

    Ideally, we'd like to have separate mens' and womens' changing facilities with showers and wash basins. At the moment we have two wash basins and a shower that's never used: it's all rather basic, old school but not in a good way.

    We also want to look at improving the space for signing on and where we post results and notices. If you've been there you'll know how cramped that area gets.

    So what do you want from a Race HQ ? Do the facilities in race HQs put you off taking part in an event or in even taking part in TTs?

    I 'd love to hear your views on this.

  • Changing facilities distinct from the toilets would be nice: getting changed in the toilet stall, the air heavy with the stench of other people's shit and the floor splattered with piss, is primitive.

    I might just as well get changed at home otherwise.
