It's confusing, some say pedestrian, some say cyclist.
It was a homeless woman walking across the street with a bicycle which had bags hanging from it (an unfortunately not too uncommon a sight)..
Initial indications seem to indicate that not only could the accident not have been avoided but the control driver was busy playing with, what seems to be, their smartphone. When, if ever, was a disengagement attempted?
(here are, for example, the log of disengagements in CA last year: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/autonomous/disengagement_report_2017 )
Sensors should have picked her up so the question is now: did the car try to stop or slow or did it just "plow through" her? The control data (sensor data, CAN bus data etc.) should be able to help fully reconstruct things.
Right now I have only seen-- as everyone else-- the dashcam footage: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/22/video-released-of-uber-self-driving-crash-that-killed-woman-in-arizona
It's confusing, some say pedestrian, some say cyclist.