Noticed that a building up the road from me (in Helsinki) has a Mondaine Swiss Rail clock installed on it. Hard to tell in the street view pics, and from certain angles it disappears (so must be a recent-ish addition). Stopped to see if it was swooping and when it ticked over got an irrational tickle of joy.
Noticed that a building up the road from me (in Helsinki) has a Mondaine Swiss Rail clock installed on it. Hard to tell in the street view pics, and from certain angles it disappears (so must be a recent-ish addition). Stopped to see if it was swooping and when it ticked over got an irrational tickle of joy.,24.9165881,3a,15y,123h,123.16t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sC5ISRFwYcXHznZwPbw3FeA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656