I have a friend who does research in the jungles in Indonesia and other such places. Every time he goes off to do some fieldwork he comes back with some sort of horrific parasite - one time in particular he had some larval grub type thing living in his scalp and presumably trying to eat him. Anyway the doctors absolutely love him; every time he comes back and goes to get one of these things removed the doctor invites about 20 medical students in to watch as he removes the parasite. Must be good experience for them, and more exciting than dealing with another numpty who's gone to A&E with the flu.
I have a friend who does research in the jungles in Indonesia and other such places. Every time he goes off to do some fieldwork he comes back with some sort of horrific parasite - one time in particular he had some larval grub type thing living in his scalp and presumably trying to eat him. Anyway the doctors absolutely love him; every time he comes back and goes to get one of these things removed the doctor invites about 20 medical students in to watch as he removes the parasite. Must be good experience for them, and more exciting than dealing with another numpty who's gone to A&E with the flu.
Not related to the tick chat but fun anyway.