To be honest whenever this thread comes up on my "Following" page I get all exited and hope there's some (for me) amusing stories of mice situations escalating, involving snakes, involving people losing their shit and running around the house with axes in their hands and whatnot.
Though your post did make me sad a little (because I feel somewhat sorry for you, also it's not particularly exiting; maybe it's the way you tell the story.Borrow a hungry cat!
Our problem is getting out of hand.
We have mice in the kitchen. They are under the units and come up from under the floor.
All of our food is in plastic boxes, tins and kilner jars, so there is zero food that they can access.
For the last 6 months I have been laying down kilo upon kilo of poison and the bastards are eating it. Reckon I have put down 12kgs in the last 6months - and they have hoovered it up.
I am also baiting traps and catching 2 or 3 a week.
They must be somewhere else, warm and dry with other food sources, then coming through to me... I'm looking at you next door
Genuinely at a loss about what more I can do. They eat poison and throw themselves on the traps, yet they keep coming.
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