Here's the new geo drawing based around the old rear triangle and the new fork
It's taller and ever so slightly longer than previously putting me in the exact same position as my road bike (which I've been fitted on and find very comfortable) using a 130mm -10 stem, thinking that I'm unlikely to want to be longer or lower than this but may feel the need to go shorter/higher for touring, off-road or reduced flexibility in future. That said, that's a lot of stem so may stretch the frame to provide the same fit with a 120mm stem and still have a bit of room for manoeuvre either way
Here's the new geo drawing based around the old rear triangle and the new fork
It's taller and ever so slightly longer than previously putting me in the exact same position as my road bike (which I've been fitted on and find very comfortable) using a 130mm -10 stem, thinking that I'm unlikely to want to be longer or lower than this but may feel the need to go shorter/higher for touring, off-road or reduced flexibility in future. That said, that's a lot of stem so may stretch the frame to provide the same fit with a 120mm stem and still have a bit of room for manoeuvre either way