Elections in Russia are coming up, could be a way to score points by appearing strong on foreign policy, going after traitors etc. One of the public news readers in Russia made some thinly veiled threats to traitors when the attack first hit the news. Could be some political motivation behind it, either Russia sending a signal or someone else trying to get Russia blamed. Why else use an agent that can be identified as produced by Russia and is likely only accessible to a small group of people?
Maybe Corbyn is not very vocal because in this situation there is not much he can do to attack the Government. He cannot call for a softer response because he would look weak on Russia and he cannot call for a stronger response because there is not much more the UK can do without more evidence, official backing from international institutions etc.
I always thought that expelling a small
number diplomats is an easy thing for Governments to do that looks good in the press but has no big effect.
It’s clear it looks like it was made in Moscow (is the public line I believe). The CIA could do that. #tinfoilhat
Seriously though, I don’t understand who in Russia benefits from this attack.
Perhaps May should have spoken relatively softly, avoided accusation of state involvement without more evidence ..... and kicked all known fsb agents out anyway.