• #2
Around there? For sure, especially since someone went a bit stabby stabby
Isn't there the "ring of steel" around London so every car/van etc is on video
• #3
Apologies, crossed wires - it was the Roundabout nears Lords Cricket Ground, not the House of Lords.
• #4
Must have been a moment of madness from the driver. Can't imagine they thought, "phew, I've got away with that one," as they sped off.
• #5
Hope the guy's OK btw
• #6
Broken arm, possibly.
• #7
I have a mate who works in the cricket school. I'll ask him about CCTV - or you can PM me and I'll put you in touch.
Hope the guy's ok, dude.
Edit: Have been in touch with him. They have limited coverage of Wellington Rd and St Johns Wood Rd, apparently.
• #8
Thread title needs editing, then. If it's the A41 Wellington Road/Park Road/Prince Albert Road junction (not technically a roundabout, just an irregular and complex set of junctions), it's very likely that there's CCTV there, too. Good luck to the victim in pursuing it.
Mate saw a hit and run this morning. Won't put details here but cyclist went onto bonnet, slid off - then driver sped off. Surely police will be able to track them down around there? CCTV must cover every square inch.