Is the implication that I'm stealing by posting things for free? I suppose you're right, but let me justify it to you. The reason that I am deciding to sell off these parts is that my employer is not paying me for the next 5 months. This is not illegal, I knew it would happen, and I have some savings so that I don't end up homeless. Regardless, it feels a lot like I'm being shafted, so the idea of bending the rules at my employer's cost doesn't exactly fill me with shame. I could sell this stuff locally on Facebook or whatever but people on here are nicer and it seems like I'm less likely to have to deal with pillocks who agree to buy something and then fail to show up, and I wanted people here to have first dibs on what is admittedly a fairly boring set of cheap parts. So it seemed like a win-win - a slight cost saving on parts for people here, less hassle for me, a forum donation somewhere in the mix. But you're right, I should just do it properly. No worries
I'm going to sell some stuff on here; it all needs posting though. If I'm a bit cheeky I can do this for free from work but won't have any proof of postage if I do that. I'm not allowed to ask people to pay me via the gift option on Paypal (edit: per the rules) so without proof of postage people could just say it didn't arrive and get a refund. If I don't post through work I'm going to end up sending everything through the Post Office for £3 or whatever.
I feel like I know the answer already but is there any way I can do this so that the buyer doesn't have to pay for postage and neither of us are at risk of being ripped off? I feel like people on here are trustworthy and just want to offer things cheaply :(