Inspired by this thread I ordered a couple of sheets of 3m vinyl and just knocked this up using my vinyl cutter.
If people wanted me to knock them up some "toppings" for their pizza I'd be happy to do so. but as it takes me about 15 minutes to setup/tear down my vinyl cutter in my tiny flat each time I use it, it's preferable to do it in bulk, there's also some minor costs for material and machine blades plus suitable envelopes, postage etc so would need to find out how many then figure out how much it'll cost me to do them before I could figure out a total cost per sheet.
Inspired by this thread I ordered a couple of sheets of 3m vinyl and just knocked this up using my vinyl cutter.
If people wanted me to knock them up some "toppings" for their pizza I'd be happy to do so. but as it takes me about 15 minutes to setup/tear down my vinyl cutter in my tiny flat each time I use it, it's preferable to do it in bulk, there's also some minor costs for material and machine blades plus suitable envelopes, postage etc so would need to find out how many then figure out how much it'll cost me to do them before I could figure out a total cost per sheet.