I've got a fairly crap Canon 450d and the autofocus seems to be really really bad. I suck at manual focus unless I'm allowed to zoom to 10x on the live display and fiddle for a minute.
What do I do? Learn to manual focus? Get glasses? Buy a new camera body? Mess with the firmware?
I just bought the f/1.8 50mm Canon lens which I'd hope would be working okay. Obviously at high f-numbers it's going to be harder to get things in focus but still.
Edit: realised that wasn't very clear. Yes, happens on several lenses, including my new-ish one ^
I've got a fairly crap Canon 450d and the autofocus seems to be really really bad. I suck at manual focus unless I'm allowed to zoom to 10x on the live display and fiddle for a minute.
What do I do? Learn to manual focus? Get glasses? Buy a new camera body? Mess with the firmware?