The biggest improvement in my running times I ever made was when I switched to a vegan diet. I went from 6:00/km to 5:00/km over a period of a couple of months without significantly changing my training. Slow compared to some in here but still a big improvement. Almost certainly a large proportion of the minute that I lost was due to weight loss but I did feel a hell of a lot fitter as well. I also smashed a bunch of PBs on my bike.
It was sort of annoying actually, because I had been running for a few years at that point, and like I said I had never seen such an improvement. Made the training seem like a waste of time - why bother actually running when changing my diet has a bigger impact (and probably getting more sleep, drinking more water - I should try those too).
You could put a counter-argument that training hard at a higher weight gives you more of a work-out, and you've taken advantage of it with the continued training compounded by weight loss. I like to think that all those spinning classes I did 12-14 years ago when I was 30+ kg heavier than I am now have contributed to my vast aerobic engine. :)
You can't outtrain a bad diet.
I certainly noticed an improvement when I turned vegan; only minor issue is that if you're doing ultras, you're a bit more dependent on aid stations, so have to find out in advance if there's anything you can eat* or carry more stuff with you.
*and then rely on them to actually provide it - there's nothing worse than sputtering on fumes to reach the next aid station to find the promised banana isn't there...
Sadly (or gladly depending on your leanings) @dubkev couldn't give up animal products anymore than he has already.
I do agree though, albeit being nowhere near vegan myself I tend to run a lot better during periods when I'm not eating meat. I just feel fresher and lighter on my feet. Could be all a placebo but definitely makes a difference in my times.
The aggregation of minor gains, or something...
Ok so maybe further back in the past than a year? How long did your first half marathon take?
I'm just wondering if I'll ever improve with times, or have 25 or so years of various substance abuse just permanently ruined me.