you meaning tire/valve orientation? Thought this was the functional thread!
Ti is right. I've got a bigger photo around here somewhere.
My pal Jambo helped me out big time. They are swarf guards but they came with the apparently superior VO mounting hardware. Did some drilling myself but my pal is a bit more mechanically minded than me and was a huge help. There was a big gap after the initial fitting session on the rear but I ordered some 10mm m5 spacers and slotted one in at the seatstay bridge and one at the chainstay bridge
The front was even harder to mount as the custom alu mount I have for my dynamo light was making things tricky. My pal did some tidy work drilling the underside of the mount so I could mount the guard directly to it rather than to the fork.
Your tyre orientation (or lack thereof) is a far bigger sin! ;)
Joking aside, that looks proper. Ti I presume? Any better/bigger pictures than this 640×504 one?