that would make a big enough different thought, wouldn't it? I already have a fair bit of toe overlap as it is with 165mm, Ted has already adjusted the design to try and minimise it, so woukdn't using 170mm creat a chain reaction? And wouldn't it make the bike fit not fit anymore?
Apologies maybe my post was slightly misleading, I need 165mm... (now edited)
I've never had a bike fit, so take this in the lax spirit in which it's given.
Although moving from 175 to 165 helped my knee pain tremendously many years ago, moving back to 170 about 10 years later didn't seem to adversely affect me.
that would make a big enough different thought, wouldn't it? I already have a fair bit of toe overlap as it is with 165mm, Ted has already adjusted the design to try and minimise it, so woukdn't using 170mm creat a chain reaction? And wouldn't it make the bike fit not fit anymore?
Apologies maybe my post was slightly misleading, I need 165mm... (now edited)