I've used this kind for 4 bikes (2mm size) and they've all been fine. Use some 3mm heatshrink on the individual connectors, and some 5mm to hold the two together. You can stagger them to help with getting them through the 5mm port.
Tip: put a male and a female on each end, so there only one way to make each connection and you don't need to worry about polarity (although most dynamo stuff is AC so doesn't care anyway.
ie something like this
What small bullet connectors do people recommend for putting junctions into dynamo wires. I need something small so I can remove from internal routing on isen without cutting. i.e. small enough to go through a ~5mm hole. I've tried the son coaxial connector but the diameter is too large. Think I'll go for a pair of bullet style ones to use with the coaxial cable, but what one should I go for? ebay links? Gold plated to help with corrosion issues?