increase was 1.8% / £1300. I get the jarringness of the comparison with public sector workers, answer is that they should be getting pay rises too.
When I talk about a pay rise, it's not the small, inline with inflation ones. It's one big enough to not stop that talented lawyer who has spent 20 years holding large corporations to account in an extremely complex environment becoming an mp. Look at how much better someone like Keir Starmer is than this posh tory dross. I'd rather have the best of the state schools than the dregs of Eaton running this country.
I have no idea how much I'd pay em tho...
Whilst I agree with this in principal, it a) seems pretty self-serving when many (most? all?) other public service workers have seen real-wage pay cuts in recent years, and b) do we really think an increase of £3000 enough to convince people that would be taking a huge pay cut to do the job?