The whole thing looks a bit complicated unless you're looking to send different attachments. I'd go with something like
.Attachments.Add "c:\my attachment"
By the way, if you're using gmail you may need to add a pause time in between the emails, it doesn't like mulitple emails going through the server one after another.
I'm trying to send 600 emails with an attachment
No idea what kind of place you work at, but from experience I hope you've briefed your manager to back you up when they get a call from IT... a lot of places will take a dim view of automated mail from personal accounts, especially to external orgs. Although maybe only when you hit a bug and send out rather more than you expected.
I'm trying to send 600 emails with an attachment.
I've found a way to do this (google).
i've got something that will work (from here:
but I've changed the end to
However when you send it, there's still a display of the email and it being sent.
What can do?
Especially as it's probably close to 1200 mails ackshually.