I haven't watched mind of a chef, and Chang does come across as a bit of a dick, in the episode I've seen, not sure whether his strop about delivering Dominoes, was because he didn't want to deliver any more pizza, was tired of running upto doors (just in case the customers watching WTF!!!) or he thought he was only going to deliver one or two and then got forced to deliver 4 or 5 because they hadn't got the right shot.
I enjoyed the magazine and enjoyed the first episode so am reserving judgement, on his dickness, but I'm open to enjoying this even if he is a mahoosive douche, just because I like how its made and what it's talking about.
Did find the bits with the other writer and pizza chef to be easier on the senses though.
Am I the only one who finds David Chang a bit hard to watch? He can be a real asshole quite often. He has a major strop in that episode when delivering Dominos. I re-watched mind of a chef this week and gave up season 1 after 3 episodes because he was unlikeable.