• I was wondering if anyone knows of any good schemes that offer cycle parking options to businesses? TfL Cycling Workplaces used to offer cycle parking equipment to businesses dependent on their size and other criteria but no longer seems to exist.

    Purse strings are pretty tight so there's not really the money going around to put anything up. We're on the top floor office of a 5 floor building with quite a few businesses on the other floors. There's a lack of space in the office building to provide anything really solid as a bike parking option. Currently there's 5 of us in our office who lock their bikes up to the banisters on the staircase just outside our office. I see quite a few other people bringing bikes in to the other offices on other floors. Those who work on the ground floor park their bikes up on railings outside as nothing is allowed to be left in the entrance area to the building. There's talk of banning parking bikes inside the building as no matter how careful you are, the lack of space means that where bikes are parked against banisters, the walls get scuffed up with black tyre marks and grub from handlebars. At best it's not particularly secure anyway as deliveries often leave the front building door unlocked.

    So, what can be done? I think if there was a scheme to provide vertical hangers or something along those lines space could be found (there's an unused loading bay). I get the impression no one wants to spend money on this, but if say TfL were providing some equipment on the requisite that it was matched/installed I'm sure some money would be found. It might just come down to getting all the businesses in the building to put forward a small amount of money in to get something put up - but I don't hold much hope in this working.

    Any suggestions welcome.
