Mmmm shouldn't be a problem as I've sent a massive amount of them in the past.
I'll dig out the recipt for this tonight and see if I can track it. If not, I'll just send you some more out.
So sorry for being slow on getting this sorted.
Hi James, any updates?. Sorry to insist but after 20 days still no parcel :/
@frankohara started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
This site is supported almost exclusively by donations. Please consider donating a small amount regularly.
Mmmm shouldn't be a problem as I've sent a massive amount of them in the past.
I'll dig out the recipt for this tonight and see if I can track it. If not, I'll just send you some more out.
So sorry for being slow on getting this sorted.