It's only gross when someone you're riding with does it in front of you without warning, and of course it happens not to be a rocket but more of a shower. (Two forumeangers have done this to me.)
I can't be sure, but I feel when I first started cycling 7 or 8 years ago that I seldom felt the need to do it. But nowadays, if I'm riding for more than 30 minutes in a row it's almost essential for me if I want to clear my nose so I'm not constantly mouth breathing. COOL STORY
It's only gross when someone you're riding with does it in front of you without warning, and of course it happens not to be a rocket but more of a shower. (Two forumeangers have done this to me.)
I can't be sure, but I feel when I first started cycling 7 or 8 years ago that I seldom felt the need to do it. But nowadays, if I'm riding for more than 30 minutes in a row it's almost essential for me if I want to clear my nose so I'm not constantly mouth breathing. COOL STORY