I've used this sort of thing twice.
First one worked exactly as described.
Encouraged by this, I bought a second kit, and spent several hours getting wet and annoyed. Even after turning the supply off, cleaning everything, checking for distortion and odd imperial size issues, and using jointing compound around the rubber gasket, it still pissed water everywhere.
In the end I used a pipe cutter to remove the holed section and fitted a compression Tee valve, which worked perfectly first time.
tl;dr 50% failure rate?
Yes, they are shit. You do need to turn off the supply. They also block with rust
https://www.screwfix.com/p/washing-machine-valve-tee-15mm-x-15mm-x/60723 then washing machine hose to the tap. If it is not far.
I would like to install an outside tap. I bought a kit that self cuts into a cold feed without the need for turning off supply, apparently. Has anyone used these? will I be taking an inpromptu cold shower and fucking my plumbing?