Anova were advertising this https://www.johnlewis.com/stasher-silicone-multi-purpose-kitchen-storage-bag-clear/p3244597 a reusable silicone bag.
You can use food bags but I found it was a bit of a hassle getting the air out so they'd float around and not always seal. I went with a cheapo vacuum sealer https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B075GVHJW4/ you can get a big roll where you seal both ends so you can fit them to the necessary size https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vacuum-Food-Sealer-Rolls-SousVideTools/dp/B00C9CS28O
Serious Eats has some good sous vide stuff http://www.seriouseats.com/2016/01/first-thing-to-cook-with-sous-vide-immersion-circulator-essential-recipes.html
Hi home cooking professionals
I got given a sous-vide thing, and I have no idea what to do with it. I understand I need a vacuum sealer to use it properly. Is there such a thing as reusable plastic bags for a vacuum sealer? Seems pretty wasteful otherwise. What sealer are people using?
Also what should I be cooking in it, apart from steak?
Thanks for any tips