Hi everyone, got a new LaCie Rugged Triple 2TB Portable Hard Drive
Portable and drop resistant Hard Drive (Shock-, rain-, and pressure-resistant according to Lacie)
USB 3.0
2 years warranty (from John Lewis, will include invoice)
Still in original box
Could include a USB-C adaptor if you are using MBP 2017/8 or similar
Hi everyone, got a new LaCie Rugged Triple 2TB Portable Hard Drive
this https://www.johnlewis.com/lacie-rugged-mini-drive-2tb-orange/p2719798?sku=236114220&s_kwcid=2dx92700029864933037&tmad=c&tmcampid=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzrTUBRCnARIsAL0mqcywDQKo0vlOTdRsEjRe68buYuaP2VtS4g9lYsy58B1dOVUWTQGF5DIaAmAwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Bought for £129 yours for £100
Cash is king, Paypal is good but fees not included in sale price, could be persuaded to post.