Maybe I'm mad, by I quite like the changes that have been made at the south end of Waterloo bridge where they've turned the old roundabout into a peninsular.
If you want to go fast you can still stick to the road... but the cycle lanes actually seem to work quite well to protect vulnerable cyclists. So much so that I've starting thinking about using it as a commuting route in preference to Carlyle lane /Lower Marsh.
Before the changes I'd never have taken my son near the place.
Looking forward to seeing how Lambeth North junction, and the Lambeth bridge junctions, turn out in practice.
Maybe I'm mad, by I quite like the changes that have been made at the south end of Waterloo bridge where they've turned the old roundabout into a peninsular.
If you want to go fast you can still stick to the road... but the cycle lanes actually seem to work quite well to protect vulnerable cyclists. So much so that I've starting thinking about using it as a commuting route in preference to Carlyle lane /Lower Marsh.
Before the changes I'd never have taken my son near the place.
Looking forward to seeing how Lambeth North junction, and the Lambeth bridge junctions, turn out in practice.