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  • Were the hunt 4 season disc wheels purchased at a sale price? You happy with them?

    Actually, you’ve probably not ridden them so ignore second part of question...

  • Purchased on sale as lightly used but were as good as new.

    Have done one CX race on them as they were not originally for this. So far, happy for the price paid.

    They are £299 at the moment which is a decent price. I do however also own Hope 20FIVE S-Pulls which I prefer and would pay the extra, despite Hope providing no frills, not even skewers.

  • Thanks for that, been drawn to the hunts by the good reviews and relatively lightweight for price aero light disc/mason x hunt wheel sets. Had various hope wheels over the years on various mtb’s and never been let down so need to look at 20fives too. Are the hunts as vocal as the hope hubs?


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