You would extend this (logically) to Female Genital Mutilation as well?
Appreciate that you were countering Clockwise's point of having things done safely, but FGM is very different in it's purpose and consequences.
Although there are religious reasons for male circumcision it's interesting how cultural it is. In the US it's pretty common regardless of faith. It's a good eg of where humans often just do things "because".
Not sure if this factored into anyone else's view, but when I read the story in the thread I assumed the policy was proposed by a right wing party, and was slightly uneasy. Then when I read it had been proposed by the Progressive Party I felt more comfortable, as I felt it seemed less likely to be routed in prejudiced.... although in a plot twist the Progressive Party is apparently centre-right.
You would extend this (logically) to Female Genital Mutilation as well?