Technically yes, acccording to all the predictors, and training seems to be going better this year than last, but I’m trying not to think about it too much and training to threshold (which obviously changed for the better yesterday).
In reality I’d be very happy to go sub 3:05 and get another bash at London, as much as I don’t like the busyness of the course I have demons that need to be slayed there..
I’d like to see if I can get into the low 1:23s in Woking in a couple of weeks, before I commit to a marathon pace but 3 and 3:05 are so close it doesn’t matter too much for marathon paced training runs...
Nice one! Is that a sub-3 indicator?
Solid enough weekend for me. 10 miles yesterday with a mixed session in Greenwich Park, some tempo intervals and hill reps on grass, then a very pleasant 20 miles this morning - joined the club run which starts off with random loops of Greenwich Park and Blackheath, before someone suggested going through the foot tunnel and looping past Shadwell Basin, over Tower Bridge and back via the back streets of Bermondsey and Deptford, with fascinating history-lesson distractions from our man Len, mainly regarding tunnels under the Thames that I never knew existed.