I'm having a change of direction with the 464, so this 11cm HSD stem which I bought a few years ago and never used is now surplus to requirements. If somebody wants to make a serious offer, I won't have to try other outlets, and I'll throw in the stem cap which is a 1¼" type to match the bulk of the stem and a couple of 10mm spacers which are a good (<1mm larger OD), but not quite perfect, match for the cap OD in case you need more spacers on top of your stem.
Carbon fibre structure with aluminium thread inserts and steerer sleeve
1⅛ steerer
110mm nominal extension
-8° extension angle
31.8mm bar clamp
39mm stack height
59mm maximum clamp width (not compatible with 3T Scatto)
180g weight
I'm having a change of direction with the 464, so this 11cm HSD stem which I bought a few years ago and never used is now surplus to requirements. If somebody wants to make a serious offer, I won't have to try other outlets, and I'll throw in the stem cap which is a 1¼" type to match the bulk of the stem and a couple of 10mm spacers which are a good (<1mm larger OD), but not quite perfect, match for the cap OD in case you need more spacers on top of your stem.
Carbon fibre structure with aluminium thread inserts and steerer sleeve
1⅛ steerer
110mm nominal extension
-8° extension angle
31.8mm bar clamp
39mm stack height
59mm maximum clamp width (not compatible with 3T Scatto)
180g weight
2 Attachments