Since we're comparing 24mm steel with 30mm aluminium, there's about 20% difference in torsional and bending stiffness for the same length spindle with the same ratio of OD to wall thickness
On 24mm steel spindles I can detect 0nm defection due to spindle flex. Whatever percentage it is, x% of nothing is still nothing.
x% of nothing is still nothing
Yes, which is why I doubt @Jaap 's claim to have felt anything, particularly if he's claiming that changing from 24mm steel to 30mm aluminium was felt as "more stiff". The cranks make more difference than the spindle anyway, most of pedal deflection is actually the crank arm twisting about its long axis.
Since we're comparing 24mm steel with 30mm aluminium, there's about 20% difference in torsional and bending stiffness for the same length spindle with the same ratio of OD to wall thickness. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide which is stiffer :)