• Lego was the only toy I took seriously when I was a nipper. I had a few sets but it all ended up in a huge cardboard box where I would make whatever I could from the ideas in my head. Remember making a jumbo jet that was about 60 studs wide and running out of red bricks before I finished it. I rebuilt it 3 times so I could get it finished without using another colour. I made a differential out of technical before Lego made one themselves. That lead onto greater things much later as I woke up one day and realised my childhood dreams had come true and I was making a living by making models, but with k'nex. Amazing stuff all the same. Am I allowed to talk about that on this thread?

  • I was making a living by making models, but with k'nex

    Have I read that correctly - you're a professional k'nex builder? Why did my careers adviser not make me aware of this? What kind of thing do you build, and for what type of clients?
