• Due to a house move and having less space, I have the following for sale:

    Project Debut Carbon turntable with acrylic platter, Ortofon 2M Bronze cartridge and SRM cartridge mounting kit. Comes with original box as does the cartridge and platter. Will also come with the original steel platter. £400

    Project Tube Box S pre-amplifier. With original box. £[SOLD]

    Project Speed Box DS Strobo £125

    Monitor Audio BX2 speakers with original boxes, speaker grills and jumpers. [SOLD]

    Pixel T80 speaker stands, with Atacama isolation pads and spike shoes for wooden flooring. [SOLD]

    QED Performance 40 phono leads, 1 metre: £25

    Cambridge Audio AUD 500 phono leads, 1 metre £15

    Cambridge Audio AUD 100 phono leads 2 metres £12 (two of these for sale, £20 for both and I'll throw in connections so you can connect them together for a longer run if necessary.)

    QED Silver Anniversary XT Speaker cable with QED Airloc banana plugs 2 x 3m [SOLD]

    Unknown brand interconnect, I think it's 1m £5

    Project Leather-It turntable mat £25

    I'm in Leeds and I would rather the turntable, speakers and stands are collected (although I will post if I have to) but I'm happy to post any/all of the other items (recorded postage is included in the price for these.) I may add more if I come across anything. Cheers!
