• #27
• #33
London randomness
last summer riding home along albert embankment, man walking along stark bollock naked holding bible in front of him walking with purpose, proper look of determination in his eyes, i offered him a jumper to cover up and he looked right through me. -
• #35
Good thread!
• #36
It turns out that footway explosions are not so random, after all, but becoming quite regular:
• #37
You know what, if I were ever the victim of a complicated and bizarre set of circumstances that rendered me outdoors, beyond sprinting distance from a place of refuge and in a state of complete deshabille with naught but a piece of religious canon with which to cover the old religious cannon then I too would a) walk with a sense of absolute purpose and b) completely ignore the existence of anyone else at all.
I definitely wouldn't respond to offers to wrap the doric column in another gentleman's knitwear.
• #38
It was a lovely cardigan though.
• #39
More on the theme of things on top of bus shelters:
• #40
You also often find pretty random things that fall off lorries:
• #43
A randomness of the worst kind--how could this sort of thing possibly happen? Utterly mysterious. I wonder if they'll find out.
• #44
I'm guessing he must have come in contact with flames - possibly an electrical thing?
• #45
Thanks. Interesting and awful at the same time. This case seems to be unusual in having taken place on the street--the other cases listed were indoors. I, too, would suspect that this can only happen by means of an external source of fire that has left no traces, but there still doesn't seem to be any explanation in this case. What a way to die.
• #46
It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.
• #47
It happens sometimes. People just explode. Ethers innit
• #48
Maybe it was his mobile phone? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38714461
• #50
He just wanted a fag and he wouldn’t talk to anyone until they gave him one," he said.