No offense, but they sound like Mall Ninjas.
I think it's a lifestyle choice. The only people I know/have known with guns are from places like Colorado and Florida. They've had pretty simple views; guns are cool, part of our culture and I'm allowed one.
I haven't yet met someone from a big city who has one. Admittedly that is probably skewed by NYC and their fairly strict laws. Equally 100% of the rural Auzzies I've met owned guns.
They’re such a paranoid nation. I might have posted this before, but I’ve got two pro-gun friends in the US - one is a Capitol Hill enforcement officer, trains every week. The other is a high school security guard, and has a concealed carry license. They both asked me about guns in the UK, “how do you protect yourself if you can’t have a gun?”
“Protect myself from what?”
They were baffled that I didn’t feel like everyone was always after me.