• Apex 1 is out of question, they only have small and very large sizes left. I need 56 cm and that is only available in 105 version. Just got a possibility to get an ex-demo one for more than 200 cheaper than Apex1 Pieckenflick, probably will take it and invest money into second wheelset (easy switching road and CX wheels was my dream ever since I started riding CX/gravel back in 2015).

  • easy switching road and CX wheels was my dream ever since I started riding CX/gravel

    This too is my dream....

    Ah if it's not your size then probably good to get something with a clutched rear mech with the gravel and CXing you're doing

  • I mean 105 will be my size, so far rode CX/gravel on Sora and then 105, so I believe I will be fine.
    From what I heard thru axles are a big benefit for easy wheel switch and it's not too easy to find a nice gravel with both TAs in this budget (considering I don't want alloy frame).
