I don't obsess about it, I just document it, same as I do my training so it's not biggie.
I know my weight can fluctuate 1-2kg per day and +-10kg on/off season. I don't normally make a conscious effort to lose weight, last time I did in 2014 I was miserable, this time, I feel fine, which is probably why I'm still in the 90s and not 85 already :)
But I'm happy to just be eating healthier than I used to, knowing that some of my extra weight is likely due to strength training and I could lose more if I wanted to but I don't want to end up fucked like I was most of 2014.
I think at <10% bf I'd still be mid/high 80s. I'd have to lose a LOT of muscle/bone mass to be anywhere near 65kg and I find it comes in quite handy so I'll live with being big.
Me? When I'm not being a fat fuck, I periodise my carb intake. So, today for example (if I didn't forget my wallet!!!) I would've had porridge for brekkie and some carbs for lunch so I'm full of energy for turbo tonight. If I'd done gym this morning though and turbo was tomorrow night, I'd have had maybe a salmon bagel or eggs instead of the porridge and lunch would've been a salad rather than rice bowl type deal.