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  • More rake = less trail = more twitchy unless you're running a long stem that gives you leverage.

  • Ya I'm really looking for fork suggestions to give me more distance between the bottom bracket and end of the fork.. for the toe overlap

  • What size on your pomp? I have size M with the Kinesis DC37 carbon Disc fork as pictured a few pics up. The rake is 45, and I have a little bit toe overlap with shoesize 41 and 35c CX tire. Dont think its a problem though. If I use slicks (23-32c tires) theres is No overlap.

  • Thorn do a fork with 55 or 60 mm rake. SJS sells them

  • It's a lot easier to reduce toe overlap by fitting shorter cranks.

    I've got a model sketched up in a cad tool but the published V4 geo is missing the dimensions I'd need to work it out:


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