That's what I'm doing, I use an xtar model, 6 way and stays cool but can provide quite a few amps to all the usb sockets simultaneously. Of course it looks neat to have them on the sockets and non technical people love them but there are some pretty obvious design problems building safety and a decent transformer into the back of a plug socket. I assume most of them will be consuming current constantly too.
Thankfully mine is all hidden away in an under eaves cupboard (natural cooling!) with router, 2 3 switches, 5 x amps, 3 x sky boxes and a lot of cables...
That's what I'm doing, I use an xtar model, 6 way and stays cool but can provide quite a few amps to all the usb sockets simultaneously. Of course it looks neat to have them on the sockets and non technical people love them but there are some pretty obvious design problems building safety and a decent transformer into the back of a plug socket. I assume most of them will be consuming current constantly too.