I've recorded >24hrs with no issues. I've had it crash fatally after less than 24hrs too. The critical factor seems to be if you're using navigation or not.
I can't recall if I've got auto power off set or not. I know the 1000 is fine when you pause and turn off the unit but can't remember if the 800 works or not, since I use the 1000 for everything except commutes nowadays. I'll have a look and see if mine replicates the auto power off file death.
Our experiences may differ depending on which firmware is on the device. I have not updated mine since about 2013, as there is no way to rollback to an old version and their firmware is shit at best.
I've recorded >24hrs with no issues. I've had it crash fatally after less than 24hrs too. The critical factor seems to be if you're using navigation or not.
I can't recall if I've got auto power off set or not. I know the 1000 is fine when you pause and turn off the unit but can't remember if the 800 works or not, since I use the 1000 for everything except commutes nowadays. I'll have a look and see if mine replicates the auto power off file death.