Expert? Everything Jan Heine has to say is from personal one time experiences. He has never done any actual measurements, just like this quote from before mentioned article "I would love for them to test the Extralight, which we know from our own experience to be even faster."
When you feel something you don't know something.
I do applaud his enthusiasm in creating the best possible products though.
compass extralight tires are fucking shite, used them on an audax ride and got so many punctures everyone disappeared miles ahead and I had to ride the 200k on my own. all that for the low price of £99 per tire or some bullshit
Expert? Everything Jan Heine has to say is from personal one time experiences. He has never done any actual measurements, just like this quote from before mentioned article "I would love for them to test the Extralight, which we know from our own experience to be even faster."
When you feel something you don't know something.
I do applaud his enthusiasm in creating the best possible products though.