Wait, what, you're pregnant? No one told me, congratulations dude! We have a few regular bad-dads on the ThNRC, tho no-one has yet turned up with a Hamax.
I can confirm a la @middleofnowhere that with good communication and planning with the other half you can #baddad evening rides guilt-free. Might be touch and go in the first 3-6 months, but by no means count it out. With the right schedule and expectations evening rides can actually be WAY better than weekend rides or some early morning madness.
Commuting isn't training, just enjoy the ride for what it is. If you want to do some longer rides just pick a weekday evening, grab a train to the other side of the M25 and have a bit of a spin. I can recommend Thursdays as good days for this, possibly from about the end of March onward.