We can estimate that the it'll take somewhere in the region of 12-13km/s of delta-v to get the Tesla into an orbit out as far as Mars (not an orbit around Mars, merely having an apoapsis crossing Mars' orbit).
An orbit reaching the sun would take around 25km/s of delta-v.
Effectively if you could replace the Tesla on it's final orbit, with another fully laden Falcon Heavy (the rocket that launched the Tesla), you would be able to reach the sun.
Now imagine how many Falcon Heavy rockets would be required to launch a Falcon Heavy (over 1000 times heavier than the Tesla) as opposed to the Tesla.
Even an unladen Saturn V wouldn't be able to crash itself into the sun (without a couple of gravity assists at least. Which are ruled out for the Tesla at this point).
We can estimate that the it'll take somewhere in the region of 12-13km/s of delta-v to get the Tesla into an orbit out as far as Mars (not an orbit around Mars, merely having an apoapsis crossing Mars' orbit).
An orbit reaching the sun would take around 25km/s of delta-v.
Effectively if you could replace the Tesla on it's final orbit, with another fully laden Falcon Heavy (the rocket that launched the Tesla), you would be able to reach the sun.
Now imagine how many Falcon Heavy rockets would be required to launch a Falcon Heavy (over 1000 times heavier than the Tesla) as opposed to the Tesla.
Even an unladen Saturn V wouldn't be able to crash itself into the sun (without a couple of gravity assists at least. Which are ruled out for the Tesla at this point).